Bughub: A Native Github Issues Client For Mac

Posted By admin On 16.03.20

How is the lead/reaction/cycle time calculated? The metrics are calculated as follows:. Reaction time starts when an issue is created. Reaction time stops when the issue is assigned to a person. At the same time cycle time is started. Cycle time is stopped when the issue is closed or the pull request merged.

Lead time = reaction time + cycle time. Are weekends included in the cycle time calculation? At the moment weekends are always included in the cycle time, as are non-business hours. Can I track pull requests? By default we include both issues and pull requests in the metrics but you can use the to exclude one of them. How is Not started / In progress / Done defined? By default, the states are defined as Not started = Open In progress = Assigned Done = Closed, Merged When you create a dashboard, you have the ability to adjust the mapping.

Do you support columns in GitHub projects board? Unfortunately the GitHub API doesn't provide enough information for us to do that. We hope that API will be updated soon so we can add support for GitHub projects, too. How does the milestone burnup chart work? The milestone burnup chart takes all the issues that are assigned to the selected milestone, and assumes that to be your backlog. Then it checks your team's velocity and calculates a forecast date when your backlog should be empty if no new tasks are added.

To set up the milestone burnup chart, or learn more from the. Why do you require read & write access to repos, wouldn't read access be enough? Yes it would as we only read data. Unfortunately the current GitHub permission system not very flexible for third party apps.

We hope this limitation will be addressed in the future versions of the GitHub API. I'm using ZenHub/Waffle/HuBoard, can I still use Screenful? Yes, as long as your extension keeps the issue data within GitHub, you'll get a nice dashboard.

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However, since we pull the data via the GitHub API, you won't see the data that is stored outside GitHub. Will Screenful make any changes to my data or is my data affected in any way? Screenful will not make changes to your data, it only reads it via the GitHub API. Can I consolidate data from multiple repositories into one screenful dashboard?

Yes, you can add more repositories in the dashboard settings. Learn from the Getting Started guide. How do I view these screens in my mobile/tablet? Input into your phone browser, and once the page is loaded, save the page as a shortcut icon into your home screen by selecting 'Add to home screen'. Next time you can launch it quickly by tapping the icon. Do you provide desktop clients? We have native available for Windows and Mac.

How do I set this up on a big screen? Read the and from our blog. Can I mix Screenful dashboards with content of my own when running in TV mode? Yes, there are 3rd party apps that allow you to schedule and organise different kind of content to your screens.

Bighub A Native Github Issues Client For Mac

These range from simple to digital signage solutions such as. Can I embed some of these charts into my intranet? You can embed any individual screen into an iFrame. Learn how to construct an embeddable URL from our. Why is the number of repositories limited to 10?


Importing multiple repositories from GitHub API can be slow and therefore some limit is needed to keep the loading times reasonable. Just let us know if you need more repositories. How often data is updated on my screens? All screens are updated once an hour. You can trigger update manually by clicking Update now at Settings ► Integrations ► GitHub I can’t find an answer to my question The contains Instructions for setting up your dashboard.

See also our. Check out our or get in touch by emailing to support@screenful.com.