Rootsmagic For Mac

Posted By admin On 09.03.20

Here are some questions we are frequently asked about RootsMagic 7 for Mac: Do I have to buy RootsMagic 7 for Mac? If you wish to use all of the features in the full-version of RootsMagic, you will need to purchase your own RootsMagic 7 license. The free offers a basic set of features. I already own RootsMagic 7 for Windows.

  1. Rootsmagic To Go For Mac

Do I have to buy it again to work with my Mac? When you run RootsMagic on the Mac for the first time, you will enter the RootsMagic 7 registration key that you received when you first purchased it. What RootsMagic 7 features will work on the Mac? Most RootsMagic 7 features run perfectly on a Mac using RootsMagic 7 for Mac.

The following RootsMagic for Windows features are currently not available in RootsMagic for Mac:. Burning the Shareable CD to CD (files are created and must be burned manually). GenSmarts integration. Backup to CD. Backup to Dropbox & Google Drive. Save to DropBox.

RootsMagic To-Go. Mapping How do I install RootsMagic on the Mac? To watch a short video which demonstrates how easy it is to install RootsMagic on your Mac. How do I uninstall RootsMagic from my Mac?. Drag-and-drop the RootsMagic application icon to your trashbin. In Finder, select Go Go to Folder.

Type '/Library/Application Support'. Drag the folder labeled 'RootsMagic' to the trashbin. Will you ever have native Mac versions of your software? Yes, we are actively working on a pure native Mac version of RootsMagic. I found a problem. How do I report it?

If you are one of the lucky few that finds a bug or error, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact our with detailed information about the problem. Let us know what you were doing and any error messages that you received.

Hi Rooty, Despite trying everything short of buying a new SSD, I have not been able to reverse course as you say. I have tried so many things to get RM working its just not even slightly funny any more.

To be fair to RootsMagic, I have the same issues with other software that uses CrossOver (such as MyHeritage Family Tree Builder). Having to force quit every couple of hours is very frustrating. I use FTM 2017 as it is much better for the Ancestry's data structure but I really like RootsMagic's access to FindMyPast, Family Search, Ancestry and MyHeritage (even though the subscriptions are. expensive). Oh well, I guess I just have to hope that RM are working on a native Mac version and it won't be much longer.

Hi Rooty, Despite trying everything short of buying a new SSD, I have not been able to reverse course as you say. I have tried so many things to get RM working its just not even slightly funny any more. To be fair to RootsMagic,.

subscriptions are. expensive). Oh well, I guess I just have to hope that RM are working on a native Mac version and it won't be much longer. Al Al, I have had similar experiences. On one host I was able to reinstall onto HFS+ and the problem disappeared. On the other host, I found that after installing a demo version of the standalone Crossover product and reinstalling RootsMagic into it I was able to get around the immediate crashing error. So I now have a 'working' RM7 though it hangs on FS interaction every 20 to 60 minutes.

It does appear that there is an issue affect 32 bit programs running on CrossOver on Macs with High Sierra and the appfs filesystem. Now I have uncompromising perspective about bugs like this and responsibility. RootsMagic runs on Crossover on OS/X RootsMagic didn't create the bug but it is still a RootsMagic bug, unless RootsMagic were to say 'we don't support High Sierra' The bug could possibly be fixed by any of Apple, Crossover or RootsMagic.

I'm a long time Reunion user and preparing for my Genealogy Do-Over. There are some things I like better about each program, but I'm going to use RM for my do-over. However the Mac version is still clunky and limited.

A native Mac version was supposed to come with the next version-after integration with Ancestry (which is finished). According to Wikipedia:.

RootsMagic version 1.0 was released 2003-02-04. RootsMagic version 2.0 was released 2004-05-24.

RootsMagic version 3.0 was released 2005-09-08. For mac mini a1347 server 2nd ssd 2nd sata hdd hard drive. RootsMagic version 4.0 was released 2009-03-25. RootsMagic version 5.0 was released 2011-11-28.

RootsMagic version 6.0 was released 2012-11-19. RootsMagic version 7.0 was released 2014-11-25 So aren't we about due, or overdue, for the next version which will also have a native Mac one? If it's coming soon, then great! If it's not, then I'll have to invest in trying to use the flexibility of Reunion to make it work for what I want instead. I'm a long time Reunion user and preparing for my Genealogy Do-Over.

There are some things I like better about each program, but I'm going to use RM for my do-over. However the Mac version is still clunky and limited. A native Mac version was supposed to come with the next version-after integration with Ancestry (which is finished). According to Wikipedia:. RootsMagic version 1.0 was released 2003-02-04. RootsMagic version 2.0 was released 2004-05-24.

RootsMagic version 3.0 was released 2005-09-08. RootsMagic version 4.0 was released 2009-03-25. RootsMagic version 5.0 was released 2011-11-28. RootsMagic version 6.0 was released 2012-11-19.

RootsMagic version 7.0 was released 2014-11-25 So aren't we about due, or overdue, for the next version which will also have a native Mac one? If it's coming soon, then great!

If it's not, then I'll have to invest in trying to use the flexibility of Reunion to make it work for what I want instead. Version 1 was a complete rewrite from a predecessor product called Family Origins. Version 4 was a complete rewrite. Version 8 will be a complete rewrite. Complete rewrites take longer than a standard update. It may not be the only reason, but a significant reason RM8 will be complete rewrite will be to support both Windows and Mac platforms natively rather than having to run the native Windows app under Mac as is the way it presently works on a Mac. It does seem like the release date for RM8 ought to be about due, but the RM8 developers have not announced a release date nor will they do so until the product is ready to ship.

Rootsmagic To Go For Mac

Version 1 was a complete rewrite from a predecessor product called Family Origins. Version 4 was a complete rewrite. Version 8 will be a complete rewrite. Complete rewrites take longer than a standard update. It may not be the only reason, but a significant reason RM8 will be complete rewrite will be to support both Windows and Mac platforms natively rather than having to run the native Windows app under Mac as is the way it presently works on a Mac. It does seem like the release date for RM8 ought to be about due, but the RM8 developers have not announced a release date nor will they do so until the product is ready to ship.

Jerry Right, I got that, but it seems as if it's been about as long from 7 to 8 as it was from 3 to 4, and the TreeShare was completed a while ago. So yes, I am hoping there will be a confirmation that the new Mac native version will be out shortly. Right, I got that, but it seems as if it's been about as long from 7 to 8 as it was from 3 to 4, and the TreeShare was completed a while ago. So yes, I am hoping there will be a confirmation that the new Mac native version will be out shortly. The developers took time off RM8 for TreeShare.

They took time off RM8 for TMG direct import. And they took time off RM8 for FTM direct import. All three features were unplanned opportunities.

It's hard to see how they can be faulted for any of these features. No one is talking about 'fault,' but a native Mac version has been in the works for years, so they tell us.

I was told this personally when I went to RootsTech the first time I can't remember how many years ago-before they came out with the bridge that I bought later. There is a difference between 'buy our product now, give us your money now, we're actively working on it' and 'it's just something we have on the back burner for when our developers can't think of anything else to do.' Reunion at least had the decency to finally confess they were not going to develop integration with FamilySearch after leading people on for too long. Albert, It might be worth having another try at Rootsmagic on High Sierra.

Certainly late 2017 I was having consistent issues with this appfs / 32 bit apps / crossover issue preventing RootsMagic from starting up or reliably staying up. At that time my only workaround (on an SSD enabled iMac with the new apple filesystem was to run RM with a Crossover demo install. But sometime in the last four weeks I have discovered that the latest High Sierra with the latest Rootsmagic and its bundled crossover works correctly. When I say 'works correctly' I don't mean perfectly - only that this issue is no longer occurring.

I have found this to be true on both my iMac and my MacBook Pro Retina, both with SSD, High Sierra and the new apple filesystem. Hi Rooty, Despite trying everything short of buying a new SSD, I have not been able to reverse course as you say. I have tried so many things to get RM working its just not even slightly funny any more. To be fair to RootsMagic, I have the same issues with other software that uses CrossOver (such as MyHeritage Family Tree Builder). Having to force quit every couple of hours is very frustrating.

I use FTM 2017 as it is much better for the Ancestry's data structure but I really like RootsMagic's access to FindMyPast, Family Search, Ancestry and MyHeritage (even though the subscriptions are. expensive). Oh well, I guess I just have to hope that RM are working on a native Mac version and it won't be much longer.

RootsMagic is a fantastic product. I have used it over the decades beginning with Family Origins, followed by using each new major release of RM. I also had the pleasure of chatting with Bruce at a genealogy show in San Diego a long time ago.

On a related note, month after month I faithfully open the various emailed RM promotional messages that are designed to acquaint customers with the latest RM developments. I keep hoping for definitive information regarding the native version of RM. I suggest that the time has come to set aside developing any further peripheral software enhancements and focus all resources on expediting the release of RM V8.INCLUSIVE OF THE LONG AWAITED NATIVE MAC client. 22 March edit: I would appreciate an official update from Rootsmagic.

Without speaking out of school, is it reasonable to speculate the release of native Mac Rootsmagic is in the offing; or will it be released at some point subsequent to 2018? Albert, It might be worth having another try at Rootsmagic on High Sierra. Certainly late 2017 I was having consistent issues with this appfs / 32 bit apps / crossover issue preventing RootsMagic from starting up or reliably staying up. At that time my only workaround (on an SSD enabled iMac with the new apple filesystem was to run RM with a Crossover demo install.

But sometime in the last four weeks I have discovered that the latest High Sierra with the latest Rootsmagic and its bundled crossover works correctly. When I say 'works correctly' I don't mean perfectly - only that this issue is no longer occurring. I have found this to be true on both my iMac and my MacBook Pro Retina, both with SSD, High Sierra and the new apple filesystem. Peter Hi Peter, I have done what you mentioned and have been running RM now for a couple of weeks (apologies for the late reply).


As you say, RM seems to be working pretty well at the moment. The only minor issue I have is when I use tree share and it finds a person on Ancestry that I don't have in RM (because I have deleted them from RM). I try to delete the person using RM and I get an error stating that Windows Vista or better is required. So far, thats it as far as faults go and that I can deal with. Thanks mate Al. Sadly, I have to agree with Albert9463. RM7 for Mac is just inadequate.

I have wrestled with it in various Mac OS versions and got it to work, but now in High Sierra I get an initialization failure. Perhaps I could get it to work eventually but it's a hassle and I just don't have the time. Also, I have another challenge that I don't often hear mentioned, so maybe it's just a personal grouch: the UI is poor by current standards in similar software. I do not own a PC so I don't know what it looks like in Windows, but on a Mac the text in particular is poor - it has the appearance of old fashioned dot matrix printout in single dot mode! The poor clarity is immediately apparent when you switch back-and-forth with other software (I have worked with at least four alternatives). I assume this would be corrected in a native Mac RM product, but sadly the prospect of a native Mac version ever appearing is now almost a joke.

I have been compelled, reluctantly, to shift allegiance to MacFamilyTree which is now fully certified for FamilySearch and is much more attractive. The approach and system of RM is more to my liking but usability and appearance is inferior. I would switch back to RM like a shot if they ever produce a decent native Mac version, but that might not happen this side of the Millennium. If you haven't done a complete uninstall / reinstall including the CrossOver wrapper, after upgrading to High Sierra the directions are here - On the fonts it's important that you select a Windows font (not an Apple font) because you are using a Windows program in the Mac environment.

The Apple fonts are going to be listed at the top, but all of the compatible TT or MS fonts are going to be farther down in the list. Arial, MS Shell Dlg, or News Times Roman at 14 point seem to work the best. You can also try these fonts in bold.